Thursday, 14 September 2000
The Jackson, MS National Weather Service (NWS) forecast office
utilizes data from three WSR-88D radars in their warning and forecast
operations. The National Severe Storms Laboratory's (NSSL) Warning
Decision Support system (WDSS) has become the primary method of
analyzing this datastream. WDSS provides, through several algorithms,
many parameters to the forecaster which enhance the analysis of
convection and assist in the warning process. In order to better
utilize data provided by the WDSS Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm (MDA),
several parameters from this algorithm were analyzed from a collection
of severe weather events in the Jackson County Warning Area (CWA) during
the past two severe weather seasons. Statiscal analyses of these
parameters are being undertaken in an effort to find trends which might
indicate improved warnings for tornadoes. The results of these analyses
will be presented, along with implications they have for the warning
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner