16th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


The benefits of visual multi-source, multi-resolution data analysis and fusion

Alfred M. Powell Jr., Autometric, Inc., Springfield, VA; and P. A. Zuzolo

Solving today’s problems often requires that disparate data sources be integrated or fused together to provide an interdisciplinary understanding of the problem and its potential solution. The data sets usually differ in spatial resolution and temporal resolution. In addition, the data to be analyzed often supports near real time applications requiring rapid turn around. The ability to analyze and display the data accurately, quickly, and in context is one of the key issues surrounding both scientific research and the education of non-technical users. This paper will address one software package employed by users of multimedia visualization to support the integration and display of disparate data sets.

The advantages of multi-source, multi-resolution visual fusion will be discussed and demonstrated using the EDGE Product Family software. Specific case examples will be used to demonstrate key advantages of the contextual visual fusion using information available from government data centers. Sample fused data products will demonstrate the robust capabilities of the software tool to integrate forecast model output, digital terrain data, satellite imagery, etc into a single comprehensive scene. The use of this technology to improve understanding of technically challenging problems will assist users in educating others, including the public and scientists, about key environmental issues. This article demonstrates how to exploit one such tool in accomplishing these goals.

Session 4, Application of IIPS in Forecasting (Parallel with Session 3)
Monday, 10 January 2000, 1:00 PM-5:45 PM

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