|  | P2.8 | Numerical Study of the Initiation Over Mountainous Area of a Squall Line Associated with an Easterly Wave Aida Diongue, Meteo-France, CNRM, Toulouse, Cedex, France; and J. -. P. Lafore and J. -. L. Redelsperger |
| | P2.9 | A Study of Heavy Precipitation and Associated Thunderstorm Activity Over the West Coast of Gulf of Mexico using GOAS 8 Soundings and Images Remata S. Reddy, Jackson State Univ., Jackson, MS; and R. L. Miller |
| | P2.10 | Rainrate estimation using the GMS-5 IR data and verification Young C. Kwon, Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul, Dongjak-Gu, Korea; and M. H. Ahn, B. J. Sohn, H. -. S. Chung, and H. S. Park |
| | P2.11 | Satellite-Based inputs for Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting Over the United States Mid-Atlantic Region George Tsakraklides, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA; and J. L. Evans |
| | P2.12 | Verification of the Operational GOES Infrared Rainfall Estimation Technique over the Upper Midwest Dan A. Baumgardt, NOAA/NWS, La Crosse, WI; and G. R. Lussky and A. M. Elfessi |
| | P2.13 | Assimilation of cloud-top pressure derived from GOES sounder data into MAPS/RUC Dongsoo Kim, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado and NOAA/FSL, Boulder, CO; and S. G. Benjamin |
| | P2.14 | High Resolution Cloud Analysis and Forecast System Michael P. Plonski, AER Inc., Cambridge, MA, Rolling Hills Estates, CA; and G. Gustafson, B. L. Shaw, B. H. Thomas, and M. Wonsick |
| | P2.15 | Preliminary results from Polar–Orbiting Satellite Data Assimilation into LAPS with Applications to Mesoscale Modeling of the San Francisco Bay Area David A. Bennett, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space, Sunnyvale, CA; and K. D. Hutchison, S. C. Albers, and R. D. Bornstein |
| | P2.16 | A Subjective Comparison of Cloud Base and Top Height Estimations from Satellite and NWP Analysis Data for a Fall New England Case Study Frank H. Ruggiero, Air Force Research Lab., Hanscom AFB, MA; and A. Jackson and R. P. d'Entremont |
| | P2.17 | Hourly global cloud property retrievals from DMSP, TIROS, and geostationary EO sensors Gary Gustafson, AER Inc., Cambridge, MA; and R. P. d'Entremont and M. Hoefer |
| | P2.18 | Cloud base height estimates from combining a satellite cloud classification with surface reports John M. Forsythe, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and T. H. Vonder Haar and D. L. Reinke |
| | P2.19 | Modeling direct irradiance from GOES visible channel using generalized cloud indices Pierre Ineichen, Univ. of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; and R. R. Perez, M. Kmiecik, and D. Renne |
| | P2.20 | Operational Assimilation of GOES Data into a Mesoscale Model William Lapenta, GHCC/NASA, Huntsville, AL; and R. Suggs, R. McNider, G. Jedlovec, and S. Dembek |
| | P2.21 | Evaluation of Skin Temperatures Retrieved From GOES-8 Ronnie J. Suggs, NASA/MSFC, Huntsville, AL; and G. J. Jedlovec, W. M. Lapenta, and S. L. Haines |
| | P2.22 | Altimetry Data Processing at the Naval Oceanographic Office—An Overview Scott C. Klingenberger, Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, MS; and D. A. May and A. J. Bratcher |
| | P2.23 | Operational Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature Production at the Naval Oceanographic Office Bruce D. Mckenzie, Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, MS; and D. A. May and D. S. Olszewski |
|  | P2.24 | Impact of ERS-2 and SEAWINDS scatterometer data on the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) Charles E. Skupniewicz, FNMOC, Monterey, CA; and J. S. Goerss and T. F. Hogan |
| | P2.25 | GOES sea surface temperature products in NOAA/NESDIS Eileen Maturi, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and X. Li and X. Wu |
| | P2.26 | Preliminary Study of Deriving Sea Surface Temperature from future GOES Xiangqian Wu, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and W. P. Menzel |
| | P2.27 | Alaska SAR Applications Demonstration Project Pablo Clemente-Colón, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and W. G. Pichel, K. S. Friedman, X. Li, C. C. Wackerman, R. C. Beal, F. M. Monaldo, E. Malaret, W. Y. Tseng, and R. E. Meiggs |