11th Symposium on Global Change Studies

Session 4

 U. S. National Assessment
 Organizer: Thomas R. Karl, NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, NC
3:30 PM4.1The U.S. National Assessment: An Overview  
Thomas R. Karl, NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, NC
3:45 PM4.2Statistical and dynamical downscaling of global model output for U.S. National Assessment hydrological analyses  
William J. Gutowski Jr., Iowa State University, Ames, IA; and R. Wilby, L. E. Hay, C. J. Anderson, R. W. Arritt, M. P. Clark, G. H. Leavesley, Z. Pan, R. Silva, and E. S. Takle
4:00 PM4.3The issue of spatial scale in integrated assessments: an example of agriculture in the Southeastern U.S  
Linda O. Mearns, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and G. Carbone, W. Gao, L. McDaniel, E. Tsvetsinskaya, B. McCarl, and R. Adams
4:15 PM4.4Comparison of GCM-projected daily maximum and minimum temperature for the Great Lakes Region  
Julie A. Winkler, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; and J. A. Andresen, G. Guentchev, J. A. Picardy, and E. A. Waller
4:30 PM4.5A synoptic assessment of climate change model output: explaining the differences and similarities between the Canadian and Hadley Climate Models  
Peter J. Sousounis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
4:45 PM4.6Gauging impacts of climate change on the Pacific Northwest using observed climate variations  
Philip W. Mote, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and A. Hamlet, N. Mantua, and E. Miles
5:00 PM4.7Assessment of Potential Effects of Climate Change on Heavy Lake-Effect Snowstorms Near Lake Erie  
Kenneth E. Kunkel, ISWS, Champaign, IL; and N. E. Westcott and D. A. R. Kristovich
5:15 PM4.8Trends in spring snow cover retreat over the U.S. and the effect of observation time bias  
Pavel Ya. Groisman, NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and B. Sun and R. R. Heim

Monday, 10 January 2000: 3:30 PM-5:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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