Wednesday, 12 January 2000: 10:45 AM
The variable-grid version of the Urban Airshed Model (UAM-V) has been extended to include a particulate matter (PM) module. The new model (UAM-VPM) accounts for nucleation, coagulation, growth, and equilibrium chemistry with a high level of size and chemical species detail. These highly detailed calculations are coupled to the master photochemical model by a hybrid sectional/modal approach, which allows for low-resolution calculations where possible. This approach enables the research-grade algorithms to be incorporated in a regulatory and planning grade model. The initial application of the UAM-VPM modeling system to the Lower Fraser Valley will be presented in this paper. Detailed meteorological, emission inventory, and air quality measurements were collected in the Lower Fraser Valley during the Pacific 93 field program. During the period of intensive measurement, the Valley experienced a multi-day ozone episode, followed by a multi-day PM episode. This paper will present the results of applying UAM-VPM modeling system to simulate this multi-pollutant event. The model will utilize meteorological fields generated by the MC2 prognostic meteorological model. The modeling system will ultimately be used as a planning tool to assess the integrated effects of control strategies on both ozone and PM concentration levels.