Tuesday, 11 January 2000: 4:44 PM
Recent efforts using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) for applications in climate and meteorology
are surveyed. Unique applications for GIS include hydromet asset
database analysis and management, fusion of hydromet data with
traditional GIS applications, and new hydromet applications which
exploit GIS features and capabilities. Attention is given to emerging
techniques which couple GIS with hydromet models such as NCAR/PSU MM5
and published GRIB datasets, as well as with remote sensing data
products such as NESDIS ATOVS profiles. GIS provides tremendous
capabilities to analyze, transform, and visualize hydrometeorological
data. Given the growing demand for enterprise GIS solutions in
business, utilities, agriculture, transportation, military, emergency
management, and government, COTS GIS providers have been rapidly
developing high quality products and tools which have interesting
implications for climate and meteorology. The key factor distinguishing
COTS GIS from the various special-purpose Weather Processing Systems is
long-term maintenance and logistics support, with COTS GIS demonstrating
significantly lower overall cost.