Wednesday, 12 January 2000: 2:30 PM
Internet access to the GOES Data Collection System (DCS) environmental data is being implemented to improve user service from several aspects, including buoy applications. A graphical interface available through an Internet browser will provide an assortment of user selectable functions. Data retrieval, platform interrogation, performance monitoring, statistical reporting, database modification, and general information requests will be conducted simply and quickly over the Internet without the need for manual intervention. This will mean a reduction in long distance telephone charges for dial-in modem access and support from DCS operations and management personnel. Service will be further improved by providing user access to utility functions, such as mapping buoy locations, normally reserved for systems administrators.
Limited access via Internet is currently available on a trial basis with the existing DCS equipment, however a full system upgrade is planned for development to provide the extended range of features described in this paper. As users begin to accept this Internet mode of access to the DCS data, a reduction is anticipated in the use of dedicated circuits and special broadcast media for data dissemination. Some obstacles must still be overcome in order to assure an adequate level of service and near real-time delivery of DCS data, particularly for information on situations where potential hazards to life and property are involved.