Monday, 10 January 2000: 4:00 PM
The Global Theater Weather Analysis and Prediction System (GTWAPS) has successfully upgraded Headquarters (HQ) Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) analyses and forecasts for a variety of meteorological parameters, and is providing timely and accurate tailored products. GTWAPS has and continues to successfully support Air Force and Army operations in the Balkans and globally by providing theater-scale forecast information to the warfighters and decision-makers.
The GTWAPS development contract began in October 1997 when the Air Force's Electronic Systems Center (ESC), Hanscom AFB, MA awarded the systems software/hardware build to a team led by TRW. Under the technical direction of AFWA, Offutt AFB, NE system development has successfully passed two milestones and its computing power has been expanded exponentially. The system is presently incorporating the latest forecast modeling capabilities. In addition, another GTWAPS is being developed to support meteorological model research and development by NASA and other users.