Tuesday, 11 January 2000: 8:30 AM
.Model-based studies of ozone formation are done for a variety of reasons:
to identify the geographical and chemical sources of ozone, identify
successful control strategies, and forecast future ozone events.
Models for ozone formation often generate reasonable predictions for ozone
itself, but it is much more difficult to correctly predict ozone-precursor
relationships, or even to know whether those predictions are correct.
Meteorological processes affect ozone modeling in many non-obvious ways.
Meteorological dispersion affects both the rate of ozone formation and
the efficiency of ozone formation per precursor emissions, and can
affect the relative importance of different precursors (hydrocarbons vs. NOx).
Near-surface meteorology is especially important for interpreting surface
measurements of ozone precursors. Proper evaluation of ozone models
needs to account for the uncertainties associated with meteorological