Thursday, 13 January 2000: 10:30 AM
The WSR-88D Open System Radar Product Generation (ORPG) is a complex
distributed data ingesting, processing and distribution software system
developed at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL). The Linear Buffer
(LB) is the software component that supports inter-process communication (IPC),
message passing, data buffering, data storage and configuration information
management within ORPG. In nearly four years of ORPG development, the LB has
evolved into a useful middleware tool for building extensible and portable
real-time meteorological data processing systems. In this report, we briefly
describe the functionality and application programming interface of LB. We also
discuss how LB is used as the core software infrastructure in developing ORPG.
Comparisons with other alternative technologies are presented. The knowledge we
have gained in developing ORPG could be helpful for future meteorological data
processing system development projects.