We isolate predicted changes in stratospheric methane due solely to the changes in the stratospheric transport circulation during this period. The method utilizes a model of methane trend based on the flux form of the continuity equation in isobaric coordinates. The solutions are integrated over latitude to remove any dependence on horizontal mixing due to planetary wave breaking. The difference between two models isolates the effects of the long-term variations in the transport circulation: (1) The first model uses the average of the UARS period yearly cycles in methane mixing ratio and the residual circulation. (2) The second model includes long-term variations in the residual circulation only. The difference in the global average profile of the methane ``trend'' in these two models is compared to the global trend observed during the UARS record [Randel et al., 1999]. The results suggest that the observed trend may be largely explained by a combination of the increasing tropospheric methane trend plus the changes in the stratospheric transport circulation.