The Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) analyzes three-dimensional moisture along with other state variables each hour over a multi-state domain centered on Colorado in real time. These analyses initialize local-scale high-resolution models such as the Colorado State University's Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) model and NCAR's MM5 (mesoscale model, version 5) on a routine basis. The LAPS system has been integrated into the AWIPS system as part of the National Weather Service modernization. Research to expand LAPS capabilities is one avenue toward providing advanced technologies and new innovations to the operational forecaster.
This paper describes the new satellite capabilities that have been developed for LAPS, and focuses on the use of satellite-derived total precipitable (GVAP) data in nowcasting and short-range forecasting applications. During the summer of 1999, LAPS was operated for a time both with and without GVAP data. Data impact is assessed using ROAB data excluded from the analysis.