With the launch of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Units (AMSUs) A and B onboard NOAA-15, NOAA/NESDIS is producing hydrological products from its new near-real-time Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS).
MSPPS inputs "level-1b" counts, produces brightness temperatures and geophysical products (total precipitable water, cloud liquid water, rain rate, snow cover, and sea-ice concentration), performs quality control, and outputs level-2 (orbital) and level-3 (gridded) products in the new NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) standard format, the Hierarchical Data Format - EOS (HDF-EOS). These products are also converted to the World Meteorological OrganizationÂ’s Binary Uniform Format Representation (BUFR) and Gridded Binary (GriB) formats for use at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), as well as to the Man computer Interactive Data Analysis System (McIDAS) format for use at NWS and NESDIS operational units utilizing that format. MSPPS also includes Product Monitoring and Product Validation capabilities against in situ and other remotely-sensed data as well as numerical weather prediction (NWP) model output. Besides providing hydrological products for near-real-time applications on an orbit-by-orbit basis, MSPPS provides hydrological products for climate applications.
Building on a legacy of a decade of experience in algorithm development with the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's (DMSP's) Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I), NOAA/NESDISÂ’ Office of Research and Applications developed algorithms to produce geophysical products from AMSU-A of similar type and already approaching the quality of those from the SSM/I.
This poster will provide an overview of MSPPS through a tour of the MSPPS web site which includes operational near-real-time products, continual product validation and monitoring, case studies, and test and evaluation of algorithm upgrades through a parallel system.
MSPPS Home Page: http://orbit18i.nesdis.noaa.gov