A time motion study has been started at the NWS Aviation Weather Center. It has involved observing forecasters using a variety of workstation, including AWIPS and N-AWIPS. The observations are structured to monitor the tasks the forecasters are doing on a minute by minute basis. Video tapes are then used to further monitor the second by second times required for various tasks. The video tapes are played back at reduced speed to determine time used for command interaction, for system processing, and for forecaster use of the displayed information.
Preliminary results show that there is a wide variety of times needed to access information, with some being more efficient than others. There is a significant amount of time used in command interaction. The time required for system processing is the most noticeable to the forecaster, and remains an irritant. The time used for product generation is generally quite lengthy and there is potential for improvements in system efficiencies. The time used for evaluation is also quite variable, initially being short but increasing as more information is gathered and contradictions and inconsistencies are introduced.