Monday, 10 January 2000: 11:30 AM
We describe assimilation of global satellite observations
of chemically important species in the global, three-dimensional chemistry-transport models. A sequential
assimilation approach based on the sub-optimal Kalman filter
was developed and implemented for use with general
global chemistry-transport models. This method allows
fast assimilation and mapping of satellite observations
and provides estimates of analysis errors. Additionally,
a number of diagnostic parameters are provided that allow
assessment of uncertanties of the utilized model, such as biases and model error growth rate. The develped methodology
has been used with a number of global CTMs (ROSE, MOZART2, MATCH) and applied to assimilation of various observations from several satellite-based instruments (ozone from UARS,
CO from MAPS, CO from MOPITT, CO from IMG, aerosol extinction ratios from AVHRR & PATHFINDER). We present and
discuss assimilation results from some of these studies.