Tuesday, 11 January 2000: 9:15 AM
Atmospheric observational studies reveal large-scale westward traveling low-frequency hemispheric waves and
synoptic-scale eastward traveling modes, but barotropic
models of the atmosphere do not have normal-mode Rossby
waves in the discrete spectrum that travel eastward or
which are concentrated in one of the hemispheres. Nevertheless, we show within the linearized
shallow-water model, that eastward traveling
barotropic modes and westward traveling low-frequency
hemispheric modes can be excited in the same way as westward traveling normal-mode Rossby waves. The study shows eastward traveling modes as famous a ubiquituos wavenumber-5
anomaly in the Southern Hemisphere and others, that agree well with observations. The study also
shows that the shallow-water atmosphere supports
hemispheric low-frequency modes in and out of the
continuous spectrum of atmospheric oscillations and
are similar with large-scale zonal components of the Branstator-Kushnir patterns and with westward traveling
low-frequency waves which were observed by Madden and
Speth (1989) in the Northern Hemisphere.