The system helps: - convert METEOSAT images to various cartographic projections, - convert METEOSAT image files to other formats (used by various applications), - merge images (e.g. IR D1-D3), - create and display charts of GRID data, - superpose images and GRID data charts, - zoom in to analyze details of an area, - calculate meteorological parametersÂ’ values at indicated points, - prepare animated series of images, - annotate the image and give comments, draw free-hand lines, display parameters values, - choose between Offenbach and Bracknell data, - choose one of bitmap formats for saving, - interactively toggle interpolation of GRID data, delete lines or change their color compress data files and print.
The application can be run on a standard PC, Pentium is recommended. The development version was prepared in MATLAB for WINDOWS and it is possible to convert the code to other programming languages (e.g. C++). The system was mainly used for practical exercises in operational meteorology.