Due to the number and complexity of instruments, products, and product generation systems, a Polar and GOES Product Information Tool (P/GPIT) is being developed for all POES and GOES mission instruments, as well as other product databases associated with NESDIS (DMSP, ERS, RADARSAT, Meteosat, GMS, etc). The tool provides information on operational, experimental, and developmental Polar and Geostationary products, their processing, and their data sources to speed up troubleshooting, facilitate operations and new spacecraft planning, and to provide documentation about product preparation processes and users. P/GPIT uses a database capable of relating environmental measurement categories, satellites, instruments, channels, satellite data sets, processing platforms, ancillary databases, output products, NESDIS product management information, product users and points of contact. The system provides the desired information quickly and in a manner that is simple to use and understand.
There will be a visual demonstration of the tool at the conference.