8B.5 Evaluation and comparison of dry deposition velocity calculations using two different methods of handling sub-grid land cover variation

Tuesday, 11 January 2000: 5:00 PM
Xiaohong Xu, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; and D. R. Miller

Dry deposition is an important mechanism for the removal of air pollutants. Over heteogeneous domain, sub-grid scale meteorological and land cover variations can affect strongly the dry deposition velocity of both the sub-grid land cover and the grid average value. In this study, two methods of estimating dry deposition valocity are evaluated and compared. One uses blending height (Ma and Daggupaty, 1998, the other calculates wind speed and friction velovity for each land cover (Walcek et al., 1986). Factors considered in the statistical analysis include season, time of the day, land cover layout, and chemical species.
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