Our work is aimed at developing methods for determination of soundings of atmospheric parameters using a highly mobile system incorporating surface sensors, wind radar, microwave radiometry, and satellite data receivers, with minimal use of rawinsondes. The primary deficiency of this system at present is the inability to produce accurate winds above the range of the wind radar. The present work is part of a series of investigations in an attempt to overcome that deficiency.
We have been experimenting with neural network methods for retrieving winds from satellite sounder data. While experiments to date have yielded errors comparable to those achieved by other sounder based methods, a primary motivation of the neural network experiments was the idea of using them for fusion of data from diverse sources. Our current experiments use surface-based radar winds in combination with satellite winds in an attempt to improve the accuracy of the retrievals. In these experiments, real or simulated radar wind measurements and satellite radiances have been used as inputs and rawinsonde measurements are used as "truth" comparisons.