11th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation


Recent developments in the design and testing of the glidersonde

Kenneth W. Howard, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and D. Egle, F. W. Gallagher III, N. Renno, and M. W. Douglas

The glidersonde is a glider that incorporates a suite of radiosonde sensors and is carried aloft by a meteorological balloon. At a predetermined altitude the glider detaches from the balloon and returns to a preset recovery point, after which the glidersonde can be used again. This talk will describe recent improvements and field testing of the glidersonde. Improvements in the design of the sensor package and the integration of the sensor and flight information data streams will be described, as well as changes in the glider's overall design. Data from recent field tests in Oklahoma will be presented, as will upcoming plans.

Session 5, Aircraft Platforms and Airborne Measurements
Tuesday, 16 January 2001, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

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