Climate Variability, the Oceans, and Societal Impacts

Session 5

 Decadal Variability and the Oceanic Carbon Cycle
 Organizer: Lisa Dilling, NOAA/OGP, Camp Springs, MD
8:00 AM5.1Anatomy of North Pacific Decadal Variability  
Niklas Schneider, SIO/Univ. of California, La Jolla, CA; and A. J. Miller and D. W. Pierce
8:15 AM5.2The influence of ENSO on the global oceans: a review of "the Atmospheric Bridge"  
Michael A. Alexander, NOAA/ERL/CDC, Boulder, CO; and I. Blade, G. Lau, M. Newman, J. Lanzante, and J. Scott
8:30 AM5.3The North Atlantic Oscillation: A Climate Phenomena with Significant Impacts on Society  
Martin Visbeck, Columbia Univ., Palisades, NY; and H. Cullen and J. Cherry
9:00 AM5.4A North Atlantic Ocean Observing System for Detecting Upper Layer Temperature Variability at Decadal Time-scales: The Past, Present, and Future  
Robert L. Molinari, NOAA/AOML, Miami, FL
9:30 AM5.5Mechanisms of tropical Atlantic decadal Climate Decadal variability  
Yochanan Kushnir, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY; and R. Seager and J. Chiang
9:45 AM5.6Scale Interactions over the North Atlantic: Connections between the North Atlantic Oscillation, the El Nino/Southern Oscillation and intraseasonal variations  
Wilhelm May, Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark; and M. Stendel and S. Legutke
10:00 AMCoffee Break  
10:30 AM5.7Response of Ocean Biology to Future Climate Change  
Jorge Sarmiento, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ; and R. Barber, L. Bopp, S. Doney, A. C. Hirst, J. Kleypas, R. Matear, U. Mikolajewicz, P. Monfray, J. Orr, S. Spall, R. Slater, and R. Stouffer
11:00 AM5.8Atmospheric Constraints on the Uptake of Carbon Dioxide by the Oceans and Land Biota  
Ralph F. Keeling, SIO/Univ. of California, La Jolla, CA; and C. D. Keeling and A. C. Manning
11:30 AM5.9Assessing California streamflow under present day and a 2040 to 2049 climate change scenario  
N. L. Miller, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Berkeley, CA; and W. J. Gutowski, E. Strem, Z. Pan, J. Kim, R. W. Arritt, E. S. Takle, O. B. Christensen, J. H. Christensen, and R. K. Hartman
11:45 AM5.10Comparison of monsoon changes simulated in a greenhouse warming and for 6000 years before present  
Akio Kitoh, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

Thursday, 18 January 2001: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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