A Millennium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry: Past, Present, and Future of Atmospheric Chemistry

Session 1

 History of Atmospheric Chemistry
 Organizers: Jeffrey S. Gaffney, ANL, Argonne, IL; Nancy A. Marley, ANL, Argonne, IL
8:55 AMWelcoming Remarks  
9:00 AM1.1Atmospheric aerosols: From the Junge layer to the VOC Connection  
G. M. Hidy, Envair/Aerochem, Placitas, NM
9:30 AM1.2Is radiochemistry a forgotten component of atmospheric chemistry? A perspective on Edward Martell's career  
William R. Stockwell, DRI, Reno, NV; and J. M. Lewis
10:00 AMCoffee Break  
10:30 AM1.3Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN): Historical Perspective  
Jeffrey S. Gaffney, ANL, Argonne, IL; and N. A. Marley
11:00 AM1.4Asian Dust Events in Korea over Historical Times  
Youngsin Chun, Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul, Korea; and H. K. Cho and M. Lee
11:30 AMLunch Break  

Monday, 15 January 2001: 8:55 AM-1:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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