|  | 4.3 | Effect of fair-weather cumulus on chemical species in the convective boundary layer Mary C. Barth, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and E. G. Patton, C. H. Moeng, and K. J. Davis |
| 2:44 PM | 4.3A | A global-scale study of the mixing state of black carbon and its effects on direct radiative forcing (formerly paper number P1.21) Mark Z. Jacobson, Stanford University, Stanford, CA |
| 2:59 PM | 4.4 | Development of a three-dimensional cloud-scale chemical transport model Kenneth E. Pickering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and A. J. DeCaria, G. L. Stenchikov, R. R. Dickerson, R. Park, and W. K. Tao |
| 3:14 PM | 4.5 | Cloud and fog processing of atmospheric organic compounds Jeffrey L. Collett Jr., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and P. Herckes, L. Trenary, T. Lee, and M. P. Hannigan |