A Millennium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry: Past, Present, and Future of Atmospheric Chemistry

Session 7

 Tropospheric Modeling-Coupling Meteorology to Chemistry
 Organizer: Kenneth Pickering, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD
3:30 PM7.1Tropopause Folds and Subsequent Mixing of Ozone over the Northwestern United States during the Spring of 2000  
Jerome D. Fast, PNNL, Richland, WA; and J. C. Torcolini and K. J. Allwine
3:45 PM7.2The High-Resolution Aerosols and Sulfur Dioxide Experiment, HASE. A Space-Based Probe for Tropospheric Aerosol Chemistry  
Vernon R. Morris, Center for the Study of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Atmospheres, Washington, DC; and E. Joseph
4:00 PM7.3Preliminary Analysis of Gulf Coast Moisture and Aerosols  
Paul J. Croft, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and R. Guyton
4:15 PM7.4High-Resolution Real-time Ozone Forecasts for the August–September Texas AQS-2000 (Houston) Field Study: Forecast Process and Preliminary Evaluation  
John N. McHenry, North Carolina Supercomputing Center, Research Triangle Park, NC; and C. J. Coats, B. Cameron, J. Vukovich, A. Trayanov, and T. Smith
4:30 PM7.5A study of day- and nighttime ozone layers aloft, ozone in national parks, and weather during the SARMAP field campaign  
Mark Z. Jacobson, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
4:45 PM7.6The influence of cut-off lows on Sulfate Burden over the North Atlanic during March and April, 1987  
Carmen M. Benkovitz, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and M. A. Miller, S. E. Schwartz, and O. U. Kwon

Wednesday, 17 January 2001: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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