11th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation

Poster Session 1

 Grand Poster Night
 Organizer: Gennaro H. Crescenti, NOAA/ARL, Idaho Falls, ID
 P1.1Improved Smart Balloon To Better Characterize Hurricane Boundary-Layer Inflow  
Randy Johnson, NOAA/ARL, Idaho Falls, ID; and R. Carter, S. Businger, G. Barnes, and J. Businger
P1.2An electronic differential microbarograph system  
Carmen J. Nappo, NOAA/ERL/ARL/ATDD, Oak Ridge, TN; and D. L. Auble
 P1.3Laboratory studies of a vibrating wire precipitation gage  
Claude E. Duchon, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and C. G. Wade, J. Cole, and R. R. Heim
 P1.4The Effects of Dome Temperature Gradients on the Accuracy of the Eppley Precision Infrared Radiometer  
Scott J. Richardson, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and J. A. Brotzge
 P1.5A new fiber optic-based approach to meteorological instrumentation  
Wayne H. Erxleben, Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc., Turners Falls, MA; and W. M. Stein, C. E. Holton, and M. J. Parker
 P1.6Next generation spaced antenna wind profiler technology  
Charles L. Martin, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and W. O. J. Brown, S. A. Cohn, and M. Susedik
P1.7Collection of Environmental Radar Data Using a Tactical Shipborne Radar  
Timothy Maese, Lockheed Martin, Moorestown, NJ; and J. Melody, T. Hodge, D. Thomson, G. Young, and T. Rogers
 P1.8Calibration of Zdr for an S-band polarimetric radar  
Robert A. Rilling, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Lutz, M. Randall, and S. Ellis
 P1.9The project ``Draft''—development of radar analysis software and data format  
Yoshinobu Tanaka, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
 P1.10Observed Association between measured Optical Turbulence and Suspected Meteorological Sources  
Elizabeth A. Boll, United States Air Force/Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM; and R. Asbury
P1.11Investigation of the correlation between mechanical turbulence and optical turbulence in the atmosphere  
Stephen A. Early, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; and M. K. Walters
 P1.12Measurements of Optical Turbulence in Complex Terrain  
Frank D. Eaton, U.S. Air Force/Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico; and S. D. Ford, J. E. Miller, S. D. Stokes, and V. Stone
 P1.13The non-linear quality control of all data types within the National Center for Environmental Prediction's Regional Data Assimilation  
William G. Collins, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, Washington, DC; and E. Rogers and D. F. Parrish
 P1.14Desert lapse rate changes observed during the night-day transition period  
Doyle Elliott, U.S. Army Research Lab., White Sands Missle Range, NM; and G. Vaucher
 P1.15Flight test results of a low-cost balloon borne chilled mirror hygrometer  
William M. Stein, Yankee Environmental Systems Inc., Turners Falls, MA; and A. Bisberg and D. Beaubien
 P1.16Shipborne wind measurements corrected for airflow distortion by computational fluid dynamics  
Philippe L. Nacass, Météo France, Brétigny-sur-Orge, France
 P1.17A GPS-based system for 3-dimensional total lightning mapping observations  
Timothy Hamlin, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM; and J. Harlin, W. Rison, P. Krehbiel, and R. Thomas
 P1.18Comparison of the effects of using the ECMWF ERA-15 and the NASA/DAO GEOS-1 re-analyses on the diurnal cycle of surface longwave fluxes  
J. Colleen Mikovitz, SSAI, Hampton, VA; and P. W. Stackhouse and S. K. Gupta
 P1.19Analysis of cloud ice crystal habits from the Mt. Washington Icing Sensors Project (MWISP)  
William G. Schmitz, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH; and J. P. Koermer and C. C. Ryerson
 P1.20A Comparison of GPS-Measured Precipitable Water at Bartlett, NH with Radiosonde Measurements in the Northeast  
Donald M. Dumont, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH; and J. Zabransky
 P1.21On-board measurement system for the automatic determination of small snow thicknesses on airport runways  
J. L. Gaumet, Meteo-France, Trappes, France; and M. Zephoris and F. Zanghi
P1.22Spectral Characteristics of Acoustic Noise Generated by Turbulent Flow in the Free Atmosphere  
William L. Rubin, WLR Research, Inc., Whitestone, NY; and D. M. Shay
 P1.23Upgrading of the ATD lightning location system at The Met Office (UK)  
John Nash, UK Met Office, Easthampstead, United Kingdom; and N. Daly, E. Hibbett, G. Callaghan, and P. Taylor
P1.24Long-term Analysis of the Fair Weather Electric Field  
Frank W. Gallagher III, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and W. H. Beasley and L. G. Byerley
 P1.25Lightning mapping observations in the western Great Plains  
William Rison, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM; and P. R. Krehbiel, R. J. Thomas, T. Hamlin, J. Harlin, M. Stanley, K. Wiens, J. Lombardo, and D. Shown
P1.26The Analysis of Thunderstorm Electricity in the Vicinity of an Electric Field-Mill Micronetwork  
Frank W. Gallagher III, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and W. H. Beasley and L. G. Byerely

Tuesday, 16 January 2001: 5:30 PM-7:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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