|  | 11.3 | Optimizing the Ceilometer Tilt Angle: A Case Study Analysis David M. Giles, Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services, Sterling, VA |
| 2:00 PM | 11.3A | Improvements to the ASOS Sky Condition Algorithm Joseph V. Fiore Jr., Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services, Sterling, VA |
| 2:14 PM | 11.4 | Independent Assessment of the Accuracy of ASOS Visibility and Sky Cover Observations Jeffrey S. Schleher, SAIC, Albuquerque, NM; and R. Calderwood, D. L. Craft, and J. R. Elrick |
| 2:29 PM | 11.5 | The effect of high cloud variability on ice water path characterization Erik R. Olson, Space Science and Engineering Center/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. A. Ackerman and H. I. Berger |
| 2:44 PM | 11.6 | Comparison of two imager-based methods for determination of winds aloft Mark C. Beaubien, Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc., Turners Falls, MA; and J. Freedman |