Wednesday, 17 January 2001: 2:45 PM
The Jackson State University (JSU) Meteorology Program, in concert with the School of Science and Technology, has embarked on the High Performance Visualization Center Initiative (HPVCI) and will serve as the Clearinghouse for Meteorological Operational Visualization for Environmental Information Transfer (MOVE-IT) with scientific visualization. This project is a joint effort by JSU and the Department of Defense and of particular interest to the Navy. The Clearinghouse is being designed to support activities to diagnose the dynamics of Gulf Coast States weather phenomena and provide real-time operational products through high caliber visualizations in the coastal zone. The Clearinghouse will provide for technical transfer of these results and applications to the user community and others. A synthesis of weather forecast products which meet real-time operational user needs will include viable "consumer products" and visualizations (using Vis-5D and GRADS) that are freely available for use and that allow adaptive computations by individual users (military or otherwise). Computer visualization for the analysis of data and results, and their presentation and use in the classroom, will be web-based and portable. Visualization products will be available to the broader atmospheric and minority communities and be useful in terms of research, education, and training activities, particularly in electronic classrooms and through distance learning.