P1.13 HPVCI-Webpage Delivery of Operational Modeling

Tuesday, 16 January 2001
Paul J. Croft, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and R. Mahecha, J. Hafner, K. Greene, R. S. Reddy, and P. J. Fitzpatrick

As part of the High Performance Visualization Center Initiative (HPVCI) at Jackson State University (JSU), the JSU Meteorology Program has developed a webpage for the delivery of operational modeling (MM5) products and output datasets. Given the nature of mesoscale modeling and the finer resolution of meteorological field variables a two-tier approach is being used: one based on QG theory and applications, the other on SG and boundary layer theory. The development of specific products is underway and will include animations and three-dimensional renderings of these to aid forecaster interpretation of model output in real-time. The web site will provide ftp access for model output and is expected to allow adaptive computation. The site is to be beta tested in terms of a usability analysis in terms of products, visual presentation, and ease of use.
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