Tuesday, 16 January 2001: 4:15 PM
This paper reports recent developments and real-data tests of 3D cloud analysis using GOES satellite imagery data with model background field generated by the Navy's Coupled Ocean/Atmospheric Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS). The analyzed field was used to initialize the cloud and moisture fields for the squall line case over the east coast on 9-11 September 1999. The model's predictions are verified against the GOES images, NEXRAD radar images and the products of the National Precipitation Analysis. Comparisons are made between forecasts with and without using the 3D cloud analysis. Positive impact of the cloud analysis is seen in the very short term forecast (1-3 h). Currently, the 3D cloud analysis is being upgraded to use additional data (such as surface observations, radar data, and products of Air Force RT-NEPH clouds analysis), the results will be presented at the conference.
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