Tuesday, 16 January 2001
An improved version of the Convective/Stratiform Technique (CST) and its application over
Brazil are presented. Keeping the major components of traditional CST, we have modified
the scheme for classing convective and stratiform rainfall and tested various schemes to
eliminate non-raining cirrus clouds. The parameters of the technique are calibrated using
TRMM multi-sensor observations, including TMI, PR and VIRS. This technique takes advantage
of the high temporal sampling rate of geosynchronous infrared channel and the better
instantaneous rain observation of TMI and PR. Moreover, sparse TMI rain estimates are used
to dynamically calibrate the parameters of the technique to improve its performance.
The technique is applied to make rainfall estimates on various time scales and to study
rainfall statistics such as the distributions of rain intensity and storm duration over a
four-month period beginning January 1999. The study period coincides with the TRMM/LBA
ground validation experiment, and observations from the LBA radar are used to validate the
technique. Results show the mean diurnal cycle of precipiatation over the LBA area, and are
compared to radar data from the TOGA radar. When the larger geographic region is considered,
the analysis of the mean hourly estimates revealed the pronounced effects of rivers,
topography and local circulations on the rainfall.