7.11 Concept for a near-portable integrated meteorological system for mesoscale analysis and prediction

Thursday, 18 January 2001: 4:30 PM
James Cogan, ARL, White Sands Missile Range, NM; and E. Measure and E. Vidal

The Army Research Laboratory/Computational and Information Science Directorate/Battlefield Environment Division has developed a Proof of Concept (POC) Profiler that is highly mobile relative to other systems of that type. The POC Profiler measures atmospheric profiles using, for example, a wind profiling radar and a temperature profiling microwave radiometer. Software in the system can merge the ground-based profiles with those from meteorological satellite sounders to produce soundings from the surface to 30 km. The on-board mesoscale model ingests local soundings from the Profiler and other relatively nearby systems (e.g., rawinsondes) as well as output files from large-scale models. Those files are obtained from a weather center (e.g., Air Force Weather Agency) via a communication satellite link or other pathway. The model generates analyses and short-term forecasts for areas that may exceed 500 by 500 km. The processors and much of the equipment of the current system is housed in a shelter on a HMMWV that tows a trailer that carries the wind profiling radar. A separate vehicle contains supplies and spares, and tows a "silent" generator. This paper presents a concept for a future Profiler that would have upgraded real-time capabilities and have a much smaller logistical "footprint." This concept embodies both hardware and software. Although nearly all the hardware components are "off the shelf" they have been combined in innovative ways to greatly reduce size while improving capability. The software is either "off the shelf" or is under development in-house or at cooperating institutions, and shows promise for significantly upgraded performance. Applications run the gamut from fire weather for the Forest Service, through severe weather warning at airfields, to emergency response to a variety of hazards. This conceptual future Profiler will not require technological "breakthroughs" to become a reality.
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