5.13 The Cloud, Aerosol and Precipitation Spectrometer (CAPS)—A New Instrument for Cloud Investigations

Tuesday, 16 January 2001: 11:30 AM
Darrel Baumgardner, Droplet Measurement Technologies, Boulder, CO; and H. Jonsson, W. Dawson, D. O'Connor, and R. Newton

The Cloud, Aerosol and Precipitation Spectrometer (CAPS) is a new instrument for airborne research that combines the functionality of the PMS FSSP-300, FSSP-100, 2D-C and hot-wire liquid water probe into a single package that fits into the standard PMS canister. In addition, the instrument measures the scattered light of particles in the size range from .3 µm to 50 µm in both forward and backward scattering angles which provides a sensitive measure of the degree of asymmetry in mixed phase clouds as well as the ability to derive refractive index from aerosol particles outside of clouds. The instrument's general operating characteristics are described and examples of the measurements will be presented.

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