8.3 GOES M Solar X-ray Image Availiability

Wednesday, 17 January 2001: 2:15 PM
Steven M. Hill, Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Boulder, CO; and S. Barsness, L. D. Lewis, J. Vickroy, C. C. Balch, A. Muckle, V. J. Pizzo, D. C. Wilkinson, and A. T. McClinton Jr.

The GOES-M satellite will host the first of a series of Solar X-Ray Imagers. This capability on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) will provide long-term operational images of the sun. The NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC) will use these images in its on going space weather forecast program. Data will be made available to the operational user community in real-time from SEC and to the general public in near real-time from the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center website. This paper provides an overview of the image processing and data availability when the GOES-M satellite is declared operational.
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