Tuesday, 16 January 2001
The authors are studying the meso scale phenomena, so that we needed to deal with the multiple radar systems. But , The analyzing multiple systems needs a lot of trouble. Because , in Japan, the analysis software and data format of radar system are usually different from each other. At 1996 , the authors started the project ``Draft''. This project has five policies.
1) making the common data format ( Draft format ). 2) providing the common method ( routines ) accessing Draft format. 3) providing the basic analysis softwares , such as CAPPI , unfolding Doppler velocity , etc. 4) on UNIX system, dividing the softwares regarding with converting format , analysis and visualization from each other. 5) on Windows system, providing the visualizing , analyzing and measuring software, ElDorado II.
At this time, this project can manage DRAW( JMA's operational airport Doppler radar ), many of JMA's operational radar systems , MRI radars , and some mobile radars for research.