10.7 GrADS and DODS

Thursday, 18 January 2001: 9:45 AM
Joseph Wielgosz, COLA, Calverton, MD; and B. E. Doty, J. Gallagher, and D. Holloway

The technologies of GrADS (Grid Analysis and Display System) and DODS (Distributed Ocean Data System) have been merged to enable a number of new capabilities for the analysis of distributed meteorological and oceanographic data sets. First, GrADS has been linked with the DODS netCDF library so that GrADS, as a desktop tool, can access data from various DODS servers. Second, a DODS server has been developed that uses GrADS for accessing subsets of data. The server can support any data format that GrADS can handle, including GRIB. The data is served so that netCDF (and other) DODS clients can easily access it. Third, this GrADS/DODS server has been enhanced to provide distributed analysis capabilities, using the innovative and powerful capability of GrADS to efficiently encapsulate the description of complex analysis tasks.

We will demonstrate distributed analysis, using several live remote servers, as a production capability.

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