Wednesday, 17 January 2001: 1:45 PM
The University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO) is a consortium of 100 international universities and laboratories joined to promote the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for high-accuracy geosciences research. Traditionally UNAVCOs Boulder Facility provides GPS technology and support to high-accuracy geodetic users via specific project support to investigators funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). SuomiNet is a university-based, real-time, national GPS network that is being developed for atmospheric research and education. SuomiNet is based on a network of over 100 GPS receivers located at participating universities that will measure phase delays induced in GPS signals by the ionosphere and neutral atmosphere. These delays can be converted into integrated water vapor (if surface pressure data are available) and total electron content (TEC), along each GPS ray path. Currently, UNAVCO provides operational support for SuomiNet by developing receiver specifications, equipment testing and procurement, web-based technical support for network deployment, and computer operating system configuration. The Facility also provides data streaming and receiver configuration software compatible with the UCAR based UNIDATA Internet Data Distribution (IDD) System. SuomiNet provides an opportunity to create synergy between the solid earth and atmospheric research communities by providing a single point of contact for all GPS based technology, support, and data archiving. UNAVCO would like to continue to support SuomiNet and to extend an invitation of support to university investigators using GPS to study the upper and lower atmosphere.