An attempt has been made to estimate the influence of cyclones in the Arabian Sea on the surface distribution of nitrous oxide (N2O) in the southern hemisphere. Reanalysed wind speeds during a cyclonic event are used to calculate N2O fluxes from the Arabian Sea. It is found that net emission of N2O from the Arabian Sea in a span of about 6 cyclonic days can contribute atleast 0.3% of its global oceanic sourcesand 2.5% from this particular oceanic region per annum. A simple parametric model is used for simulating the N2O abundance based on the observed cyclone frequency in the Arabian Sea. We have also employed a resampling echnique to show that the fluctuations in the N2O concentration in the southern hemisphere are closely linked with tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea. Our time-lagged model leads us to propose a cause-and-effect relationship between the two.