Tuesday, 16 January 2001: 5:14 PM
The Unidata Program Center and NCAR's Scientific Computing Division (SCD), both
members of the UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) have
embarked on a new, multi-faceted collaborative project. Goals of this project
are to provide distributed access to near-real-time products conveyed by
Unidata's IDD (Internet Data Distribution system) and ultimately to
allow convenient access to retrospective observational and model data stored in
SCD's Mass Storage System (MSS). The project, jointly conceived at the highest
levels of UCAR, NCAR, and the National Science Foundation, is serving as a
prototype for accessing data remotely using innovative server technologies such
as the McIDAS ADDE (Abstract Data Distribution Environment), DODS (Distributed
Ocean Data System), and Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation). The server also
functions as a top-tier relay node for the IDD.
The current status of the project, including use statistics and development efforts will be discussed.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner