Session 12 Solar Radiation

Thursday, 18 January 2001: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Host: 11th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation
John J. DeLuisi, Air Resources Laboratory, U.S. Dept. Commerce / NOAA, Boulder, CO

3:30 PM
The Effect of Snow Cover and Cloud type on the Surface Radiation Budget at SURFRAD Network Stations
John A. Augustine, NOAA/ARL, Boulder, CO; and J. J. DeLuisi and C. N. Long

3:45 PM
4:15 PM
Estimating Downwelling Longwave Radiation for Input to a Land Surface Model
V. Sridhar, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK; and R. L. Elliott, D. Itenfisu, and J. A. Brotzge

4:30 PM
An isothermal pyranometer incorporating detection and elimination of offset error due to dome radiation
William Q. Jeffries, Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc., Turners Falls, MA; and A. Bisberg

4:45 PM
A pyroelectric detector based nulling infrared radiometer
William Q. Jeffries, Yankee Environmental Systems, Inc., Turners Falls, MA

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner