18th International Conference on IIPS


Porting the AWIPS Communications Processor to Linux

LeRoy Klet, Northrop Grumman Information Technology, McLean, VA

The NWS has recently initiated an effort to transition several critical components of the AWIPS system to Linux based platforms. One target for this effort is the AWIPS SBN Communications Processor (SBN CP) which is currently supported on a VME based system running the real-time HP-RT operating system.

This AWIPS Communications Processor is being converted in its entirety to a redundantly configured Linux based PC server platform. In addition, a high performance store and forward capability is being implemented such that data can be queued locally on the CP for up to 12 hours, thereby preventing data loss during site hardware and software upgrades or maintenance activity. Also, a local replenishment capability is provided to allow the raw data stored on local disk to be retrieved and resent to the local site host destinations.

This new PC based hardware platform includes a RAID array disk subsystem that provides sufficient throughput and storage capacity to handle up to 4 full T1 channels of incoming weather data. This will allow AWIPS sites to ingest additional data products at increasing higher effective data rates. This new PC based configuration is also capable of distributing this data to multiple target hosts on a Local Area Network at compatible 10/100/1000BaseT data rates.

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Session 12, Forecasting system technologies
Thursday, 17 January 2002, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM

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