Fourth Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry


A new study to submit global "chemical weather charts" of sulfur dioxide

Jiqing Tan, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; and M. Chiba

Successfully to forecast the 3-dimensional, global concentration fields for chemical aerosols, or to submit so called gchemical weather charth, need us to develop a high performance GCM and a high performance chemical transporting model and a good observed emission data. However, at this stage, not only because lack of accurate emission data for all parts of area in the world, but also because of the low simulating skill for most existed GCMs to take consideration of the feed-back of chemical aerosols, it seems to be a@dream to submit the world-wide chemical weather charts . In our opinion,@the key problem to improve the forecast skill of the existed chemical transporting models,@is to solve the discontinuity problem or minus value problem(Tan Jiqing & Masaru Chiba,2001a). Most existed advection schemes for transporting models have been designed for continuity physical fields, however, chemical transporting models have to handle with discontinuity fields ,which can be caused by the chemical processes.@Recently ,Tan Jiqing and Masaru Chiba(2001b) developed a new advection scheme ,which can be employed to calculate the advection item for our global transporting model to handle the discontinuity fields of aerosols . As above-mentioned, although it is difficult to submit a gchemical weather chartsh for all the emission sources in the world and it is difficult to for a GCM to submit an accurate meteorological field for a long term simulation, it is possible for us to hind-cast the gchemical weather charth for a specific kind of aerosol from a specific area. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the sulfur dioxide emission sources of Unite States contribute the sulfur dioxide distribution in the world . In order to achieve this, a new transporting model, which is developed by introducing the new advection scheme ( Tan Jiqing & Masaru Chiba,2001b) into the JMAfs global tracer transporting model on Environmental Emergency (EER) Activity, has been employed to submit the gweather charts hof sulfur dioxide on the basis of the emission data of Unite States and the analysis meteorological data of JMA. After running the transporting model for one year, driving by the global analysis data fourth one day in the whole year of 1998 and the emission data of United States in 1998, we obtained many gweather charts hof sulfur dioxide for different purposes: 1) Checking the monthly contribution of the emission sources in United States in 1998 2) Checking the contribution of the emission sources in United States in 1998 at different lengths of time periods in 1998 3)Checking the difference between the gweather charts h of sulfur dioxide by different emission sources and different seasons

Session 5, Tropospheric aerosols-chemistry and radiative properties
Monday, 14 January 2002, 4:00 PM-5:00 PM

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