Chemical Evolution of a Power-Plant Plume
Stephen R. Springston, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and L. I. Kleinman, F. J. Brechtel, P. H. Daum, Y. -. N. Lee, L. J. Nunnermacker, and J. Weinstein-Lloyd
Measurements made from the DOE G-1 aircraft are used to calculate the rate and efficiency of O3 production down wind of an isolated coal-fired power plant. The plume was transected at a constant altitude 12 times, up to a distance of 65 km from its source (corresponding to an age of ~4 h assuming constant wind velocity). For NOx, a loss rate of 0.5 h-1 is calculated. If reaction with OH is the sole loss mechanism, then an [OH]=1.6 x 107 molec/cm3 is implied, which is ~2 - 3X values calculated using a box model constrained by observations. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed. O3 production efficiency per molecule of NOx approaches 6-8 after the plume has aged >3h. Peak O3 concentrations were 15 ppbv above background. Dilution appears to limit the peak O3 concentration despite the high production efficiency. Hydrocarbon samples indicate high levels of VOC reactivity (~8 s-1) in the plume. The number concentration of accumulation mode particles increases significantly with plume age indicating a rapid formation of aerosol mass.
Supplementary URL: http://ftp://aerosol.das.bnl.gov/pub/Houston00
Poster Session 1, Atmospheric Chemistry and Texas Field Study
Wednesday, 16 January 2002, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
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