2002 Annual

Tuesday, 15 January 2002: 9:15 AM
Rapid Prototyping Grid-Based Forecasting
John A. Jannuzzi, NOAA/NWS, Boise, Idaho
The NWS is in the process of modernizing it’s suite of customer products by providing graphical and gridded forecast products in addition to text based products. There is much to be learned as this modernization takes place. Forecasters must learn how to value-add and interact with a gridded forecast database of sensible weather parameters. Preparation tools used by forecasters to generate these new products are still being developed and refined. Close interaction between forecasters and developers of the forecast preparation system is fostering rapid evolution of the tools forecasters need to work in this new operations environment. Customers must be involved in determining what types of products are needed and how this information can best be presented. Rapid proto-typing affords a setting where this experimentation can take place in the operations environment without adversely impacting commissioned operational systems. Developers are able to provide quick turn-around on software enhancements/improvements – something not possible within the confines of configuration management for commissioned systems.

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