Tuesday, 15 January 2002: 4:00 PM
Derivation of Multiple Forecast Formats from a Gridded Forecast Database
Using the product formatting utilities in the Gridded Forecast Editor (GFESuite), products with a variety of formats can be produced from a single forecast database. Products can contain general, marine and fire weather forecast information by sampling the meteorological parameters available in the GFESuite. Since the forecast products are derived from a single database, a greater degree of spatial and temporal consistency within a Weather Forecast Office's county warning area can be achieved. The flexibility of the formatting utilities allows a local GFESuite administrator to easily implement changes in product format to satisfy the requests of product users. Forecast data can be sampled at temporal resolutions as short as one hour and for areas as small as one square kilometer. Spatial and temporal resolution of products is defined by the local configuration of the GFESuite.
GFESuite also generates graphical products in .PNG format for display on internet web pages. Images can be formatted to display multiple parameters and can be labeled with selected sample points. Configuring the format of graphics is also completely controlled by the local GFESuite administrator.
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