Tuesday, 15 January 2002: 2:45 PM
Computer Simulations of Global Networks of Stratospheric Satellites
This paper presents simulation technology and results for a revolutionary concept for a global constellation and network of hundreds of stratospheric superpressure balloons, called StratoSatª platforms, that can address major scientific questions relating to Earth science and meteorology. Applications of such a network include in-situ atmospheric profiling for weather forecasting, hurricane tracking and prediction, hazard detection and monitoring, and global distribution of ozone. Simulations show the amount and extent of surface coverage, the effectiveness for overflight of meteorological features such as hurricanes, and the applicability of such a network for hazard detection. Simulation parameters include balloon altitude, number of balloons, balloon view angle, and spatial extent of the constellation (regional or global). The simulation technology is presented as a series of simulations, each focused on a specific science objective. We assess the effectiveness of various constellation geometry control algorithms for each science application.
Supplementary URL: http://www.gaerospace.com/publicPages/projectPages/StratCon