Monday, 14 January 2002
Evaluating the potential impact of the assimilation of satellite-derived products on two mesoscale forecasts during PACJET
The PACific landfalling JETs (PACJET) field experiment took place in January-February 2001. During this period the GOES rapid scan WINDs EXperiment (GWINDEX) was initiated at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), University of Wisconsin - Madison, providing hourly high-resolution satellite-derived winds over the eastern North Pacific Ocean. This data, along with GOES temperature and moisture profiles, has the potential to greatly improve analyses and short term forecasts over the
eastern Pacific and western North America if carefully assimilated into high-resolution initial conditions for NWP.
In this poster presentation, the MM5 Adjoint Modeling System will be used to: 1) calculate the sensitivity of forecast errors to initial conditions, and 2) assess qualitatively and quantitatively the impact of the assimilation of satellite-derived products on short-term forecasts. The satellite data used for this project are derived from the GOES-10 imager and sounder.
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