12th Symposium on Education


NASA Earth Science Enterprise Education Program and Water Cycle Activities

Blanche W. Meeson, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and J. D. Entwistle and C. S. Evans

By attending this session, you will learn how NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise education efforts are grounded in the Agency's Vision and Mission statements.

NASA Vision: To improve life here, To extend life to there, To find life beyond.

NASA Mission: To understand and protect our home planet, To explore the universe and search for life, To inspire the next generation of explorers …as only NASA can.

You will see how this vision and mission has renewed its commitment to science and technology learning for all Americans from the youngest to the oldest, from urban to rural America, from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and with all abilities. The Earth Science Enterprise's research, applications and technology efforts provide inspiring and relevant content that can motivate students and adults alike to appreciate the world around them and to become engaged in developing a deeper understanding of Earth as an integrated system and its relevance to their lives. Within the Enterprise, the lifeblood of the education efforts are derived from the Enterprise Mission:

Develop a scientific understanding of the Earth system and its response to natural and human-induced changes to enable improved prediction of climate, weather, and natural hazards for present and future generations.

You will learn about the new education strategy for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise that expands the program from formal education programs and activities to informal education and workforce development. (The workforce development initiative focuses on applications of remote sensing data.)

NASA Earth Science Enterprise scientists defined Earth system science and identified scientific concepts necessary for an understanding of Earth’s inter-related systems. During this session, you will see the NASA developed working definition for Earth system science and a list of supporting science concepts necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the Earth system. Emphasis will be placed on those concepts that address Earth’s water cycle.


Session 4, Special Session on Water and the Water Cycle: Part II
Monday, 10 February 2003, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM

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