Energy balance over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Amauri P. Oliveira, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; and J. E. Hare, A. A. Grachev, J. Soares, S. A. Bacellar, A. J. Machado, and A. M. Espinosa
The observational campaign carried out on May 15-24, 2002, as part of the FluTuA Program, is described here. During 10 days, 5 minute averaged measurements of (a) solar radiation fluxes (incoming and outcoming) and long wave radiation fluxes (atmospheric and surface emission), at 6 m above the sea level; (b) air temperature, relative humidity and horizontal wind components, at 11 m and (c) sea surface temperature were gathered continuously. These observations were carried out on board of the Brazilian Navy Ship (Comte. Manhães), between Natal (60°S, 35.20°W) and Arquipelago de São Pedro e São Paulo (10°N, 29.30°W). The data was used to validate empirical expressions currently used to estimate turbulent energy components at the surface of the ocean. A preliminary characterization of the air-sea interaction in the Tropical Atlantic is also discussed.
Poster Session 3, Air-Sea Fluxes and Interfacial Processes
Tuesday, 11 February 2003, 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
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