|  | 1.2 | Aircraft-Measured Fluxes of N2O Using the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Technique J. I. MacPherson, Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada; and R. L. Desjardins, E. Pattey, and D. J. Pennock |
| 9:29 AM | 1.3 | Refractive turbulence in the upper troposhere and lower stratosphere: analysis of aircraft measurements using structure functions Donald Wroblewski, Boston University, Boston, MA; and O. R. Cote, J. M. Hacker, T. L. Crawford, and R. J. Dobosy |
| 9:44 AM | 1.4 | Airborne wind lidar to evaluate air/ocean exchanges at high wind speeds G. David Emmitt, Simpson Weather Associates, Inc., Charlottesville, VA; and C. O'Handley |